Don't Be Boring - Transits for the week of December 9th
Do You Want to Stab Your Own Guts?? - Transits for the Week of December 2nd
Plan for Victory - Transits for the Week of November 25th
Play Dress Up, Find Freedom – Transits for the Week of November 18th
Valedictories and Lamentations - Transits for the week of November 4th
Sunday is a Big Deal - Transits for November 3rd
Dread is a Waste of Time - Transits for the Week of October 28th
Mars Opposite Pluto – Do the Hard Thing
Farewell, Sweet Love - Transits for the Week of October 14th
Don’t You Have Better Things To Do? Transits for the week of October 7th
It's Not About Me - But What If It Is? Transits for the Week of September 29th
Subtle Knives and Dimension Hopping - Transits for the Week of September 23rd
I’m Keeping My Weird - Transits for the Week of September 16th
Picnics are F*cking Free - Transits for the Week of September 9th
Okay, But How Do You Pee in That Thing? Transits for the Week of September 2nd
Play All the F*cking Music You Want - Transits for the Week of August 26th
The Chair of Miscellaneous Mysteries - Transits for the Week of August 19th
Build Your Own Damn Wall - Transits for the Week of August 12th
Open Up or Sink Like a Stone - Transits for the Week of August 5th
Are You Absolutely Sure? Transits for the Week of July 29th